
Aloe Vera

Other name: Medicinal AloeGenus: Aloe Family: AsphodelaceaeFun fact: This fleshy succulent is best known for its medicinal uses. You’ve probably smeared it on your own sunburned or irritated skin a time or two, but it’s also thought to relieve constipation and even treat cancer when ingested (though these last two claims have not been scientifically proven).
Common Glasswort

Other names: Salicornia Europaea, Marsh Samphire, Sea Asparagus, Poor Man’s AsparagusGenus: SalicorniaFamily: Amaranthaceae (Amaranth)Fun fact: The pretty green succulent looks good enough to eat—because it is! It can be consumed like any other veggie, but it’s especially tasty when pickled.

Sweetheart Hoya

Other names: Hoya Kerrii, Lucky-Heart, Valentine PlantGenus: HoyaFamily: Apocynaceae (Dogbane)Fun fact: Can you believe there’s a succulent with such perfectly heart-shaped leaves? This characteristic makes the Hoya a fitting Valentine’s Day or anniversary gift.

Agave Azul

Other names: Agave Tequilana Weber Var. Azul, Blue AgaveGenus: AgaveFamily: AsparagaceaeFun Fact: As you might have guessed from the name “tequilana,” this agave variety is the base ingredient of tequila. Cheers!

Ponytail Palm

Other name: Beaucarnea RecurvatGenus: BeaucarneaFamily: AsparagaceaeFun fact: It might look like a palm tree, but the ponytail palm is indeed a succulent. Its standout features include a bulbous trunk and hair-like leaves—hence the name.

Snake Plant

Other name: Sansevieria Trifasciata, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Viper’s Bowstring HempGenus: SansevieriaFamily: AsparagaceaeFun fact: This succulent is commonly known as a “snake plant” or “mother-in-law’s tongue” because of the shape and sharpness of the leaves, respectively (make sure you pass that along to your husband’s mom!). But don’t be too intimidated: The Sansevieria trifasciata is also known as a “bedroom plant” because of its ability to increase oxygen and filter air, leading to more restful sleep.

Woolly Senecio

Other names: Senecio Haworthii, Cocoon PlantGenus: SenecioFamily: Asteraceae (Daisy)Fun fact: Covered in fine white hairs, the Senecio haworthii appears “woolly”—but you might not guess that it also produces pretty yellow blooms.

Christmas Cactus

Other names: Schlumbergera x Buckleyi, Easter Cactus, Thanksgiving CactusGenus: Schlumbergera Family: Cactaceae (Cactus)Fun fact: This holiday cactus features crab claw-like leaves and asymmetrical flowers in saturated shades.

White Velvet

Other name: Tradescantia Sillamontana, Cobweb SpiderwortGenus: TradescantiaFamily: CommelinaceaeFun fact: A member of the spiderwort family, this interesting plant is covered in silvery white hairs that appear “cobwebby” or like white velvet.

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